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Friday, August 28, 2015

7 Tips for Freshmen going into College

As a student going into my third year of college, I know how hard college can seem and be. It is scary because you are now your own person. Everything is up to you and the professors are not forced to help you pass the class like they would have been if you were in high school. Whether you are on the quarter system or the semester, community or university, it is never easy.

I wanted to throw together some tips for freshmen, whether or not you have started already.

1. Make a friend in each class. Get to know someone in the classes and exchange either emails or numbers. This is so if you happen to miss class for whatever reason, ditching or a legitimate, you can contact them and ask what you missed in class. Also, you can set up study times with this person. Reviewing with someone in the class will help because they may have opinions/views that you would have never thought of before!

2. READ!!!! I cannot stress this enough! Actually read your textbooks!!! I know that sometimes it is just a repeat of what is said in class but actually reading and taking notes on that reading will help make it stick in your brain. It will help you understand the lectures more too. Some professors will only cover some things in lecture and some things are only in the book.

3. Rent, get a kindle, or get used. If you are really picky about having a brand new book, then that is fine. However, if you aren't picky, then look at your schools bookstore for renting, rent through Amazon (which has student prime free for 6 months), or buy them used! Look on Facebook or online to see if there is a place where students sell their old books from your school. This can save you money because a lot of the time your peers are just trying to get rid of them. When looking online, do not just look at Amazon but look at other websites just to get the best deal you can! On another note, kindle versions/online editions tend to run cheaper because you aren't paying for the printing but just the material.

4. Go to class. Believe me, I know it is easy to just ditch because you are accountable for you (especially in a lecture hall where there are literally hundreds of students). RESIST THIS URGE! It helps you even though it is easy to just not go. Professors will throw things in from their lectures into the tests to make sure you were there. Also, some may take attendance and if you miss more than a certain number, you automatically fail the class.

5. Take and review your notes. When reading from your books and in class, make sure to take thorough notes. You may think that you may remember something simple but by the time you are through with your day, you will have forgotten the reading, the homework, etc. if you don't write it down somewhere. When you are writing your notes from a power-point, DO NOT WRITE WORD FOR WORD! The professors generally do not care if you are done with your notes or not. They may give you another second but that's if they are generous. Write down the general idea and main points from the slide then listen to the professor and take notes on what they say. Speed and precision will come with practice.

6. Read the syllabus carefully. Make sure that you note the important days of tests and when things are due and work backwards to know when you have to start studying or starting the paper to get it in in enough time. Put it in your phone/calendar/on the fridge, whatever you see and use the most!

7. Professors aren't there to hurt you. They maybe scary but they really aren't there to hurt you. Talk to them and introduce yourself to them on the first day so they know your face. Go to their office hours if you need help. Believe me, if you go to their office hours they will like you even more which can make the difference between a B+ and an A.

College is a step to adulthood, whether you are living by yourself or at home. It will be scary but if you are going, you can do it. Come into it with a positive attitude and you can accomplish anything. It maybe overwhelming at first but do not give up! The best things in life are worth fighting for.

'Til Next Time!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Just to vent.

The scariest thing in my life happened at the "Happiest Place on Earth".

My family and I are sitting at dinner in Disneyland and this mom started yelling a name. I thought “Ok. she lost her kid. She will find him in a minute.”. She ran through the crowd and her voice then stopped, so I assumed that she found her son. Then she came back and the most pain-filled, horrifying, blood-curdling scream broke through the mull of the crowd and she started hysterically crying while frantically looking for her son.. I stood up and asked her what her son looked like, so I could start helping her look for him. She told me and I started to go down to the crowded area. After a minute, a family found her son. She fell to her knees and started crying and her son was crying too. The family that helped reunite them hugged the crying woman and helped her calm down.. She had two other children with her. After about five minuted of calming down, she put her kids in the stroller and left.

What really shocked me was when she was screaming and crying, the majority of these people didn’t even look at her. They just created a perimeter around her and kept moving… No one but my dad, who went to alert security, and me, who was going to help her look..It was surprising to me that these women, whether they were mothers and/or daughters, and men, whether they were fathers and/or sons, were just so cold. A couple people looked at her but no one stopped. No one stepped out and said “Are you ok?” Or “What can I do?”.. No one… I don’t know.. It hurt me that no one tried to comfort or help this woman who was in so much pain and panic looking for her own child.. My faith in humanity was tainted that day.

'Til Next Time.