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Monday, August 25, 2014

6 tips for studying

I know for some of you guys, the school year has started already (whether high school or college). I put this list of little tidbits together hoping that these may help you with your studys and reduce your stress this up coming school year!

Photo Credit: http://www.educarelab.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/studying-watercolor1.jpg

Here are some tips for you when you are studying: 

  1. Work backwards. If you have a big paper coming up, work backwards. Start with marking the due date and work backwards from there to figure out what you need to have done by what date to have it finished in time, instead of leaving it to the last minute. 
  2. Put the phone away. There is no such thing as "multitasking" (sorry to break it to you). It is actually called browning out, which is when the brain does the task only half as well because you're "multitasking". So, when you watch a movie and type that paper, you're only doing both tasks half as good as you could have done if you had focused on only one! So, put your phone away and actually study for a while, giving yourself an hour or an hour and a half to really study then take a break and catch up on your social life for a while before going back to the grind.
  3. Music. I know when I study, I need music!! When you  do not have a constant dead silence than it is easier to get distracted by a motorcycle whizzing by or your mom dropping a pan in the kitchen or even your dog whining in its sleep. I would suggest having instrumentals of songs or just calming music instead of lyrics. I know with me, after a while I pay more attention to the lyrics and if I am in the mood to hear that song than reading the textbook.
  4. Snacks. Have some sort of brain food like a fruit or granola instead of a soda or some sugary substance. You will have the sugar rush but then you will crash and just be tired halfway through studying. Also, get a good amount of sleep. Pulling all nighters once in a while is okay but not on a constant basis.Try and get at least 7 hours of sleep.
  5. Stop when you're burnt out. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT OVER DO IT!! When you are feeling burnt out, do not keep going. You are at your max so don't make yourself break! 
  6. Review notes. Go over your notes at the end of the day. Go over them for 20 minutes the day of writing them, then 10 the following day, then 5 at the end of the week. Going over your notes will tell your brain this is information it needs to keep instead of throwing it out! If we do not review, then the brain says "I do not need this! I need to get rid of it to make room for something important!". This will help you not cram for that exam that holds the fate of your grade in its hands.
I hope these help in some way and if you had heard these already, then I hope these refreshed your memory. 

'Til Next Time!

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