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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Low sugar fruit smoothie

I love fruit smoothie but when I go to places to buy one, even though they taste fantastic, they are so loaded with sugar (and cost WAY to much for a college student)! So I began experimenting to make a healthy, low sugar, delicious smoothie.

Here is my recipe! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

This is great for just eating by itself
too. Just throw on some berries and
a Splenda packet and you are good to
  1/4 cup Greek Yogurt (I use Fage)

  8 oz of unsweetened green tea or milk
  (whichever you prefer)

  1/2 of a banana (optional)

  1/4 cup of fresh raspberries

  1/4 cup of fresh blue berries
These are also good for making lemonade
at home! Just by some lemon juice (plain)
and add some of the Torani, some water, a
packet of sweetener, and enjoy!
                                                      1/2 cup of Dole assorted             frozen fruit (At Sam's Club         for $10)

A little bit of Tornani
 (Mix and match as you please!)

Then all you have to do is blend-up and enjoy!

  I hope you get to enjoy this refreshing smoothie! It is great for a snack, just a refresher after a work out, or even as a breakfast!
  If you are one who has to rush out of the house in the morning, make this the night before and stick it in your freezer or the refrigerator! Then when you wake up, you are ready to go and take on the world! 

Bon Appetit! 

'Til Next Time!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just a thought

Have you ever thought to yourself "WHY?!" I had one of those moments when I was at the beach with my friends.

So we were just getting out of the ocean and sitting eating out lunches when a shirtless man walked by. Now at the beach, obviously, this will happen quite often, but I am a people watcher so I take in everything! So as he walked by, I looked. He wasn't a body builder but he was not a Humpty-Dumpty either. He had some tattoos so I was looking at them and he turned and there was one on his ribs and in HUGE lettering it said "Face UR Fears". That bothered me all day because he could have just made the print just a little bit smaller and put in the "Y-0".

Then the other day, I was editing some high school students papers (I am a tutor) and I came across this following issue way to many times. They had meant to say "I now know" but they had written "I know know"...

It made me worry about the generation that my children, when I have some, will be growing up in. If a grown man and high school students cannot write, then how many more problems will there be in raising my children???

Just a thought.

Til Next Time!

P.S. If you have any thoughts or comments on this, please share!! I want to know your feedback on this topic!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

What is Labor Day anyways? Is it just an extended holiday so people do not have to be paid? Or is it just the day that symbolizes the line of not being allowed to wear white anymore? Or is it just a stunt made by department stores to make you a "great deal" with "30% off everything in store"?

According to the U.S Department of labor, "Labor Day, the first Monday of every September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country".

So it is basically a day celebrating the working class!

This picture is an illustration of the first ever Labor Day Parade in New York, in September of 1882. On this day, 10,000 workers took unpaid leave and marched into Wendel's Elm Park for a concert, picnic, and speeches. This whole day had been orchestrated by the Central Labor Union. Then, by 1885, Labor Day was celebrated in many of the industrial centers of the U.S.! Finally, in 1894, this day officially became a national holiday (even though almost half of the country was already celebrating it).

This is day is well deserved, at least according to July of 2014, because about 156 million Americans are in the civilian labor force! Can you even imagine living in 1880, when the typical working American hours were 12-hours, and they worked 7-days a week! Even children 5-6 years old were working in factories.

Thank God we have unions and laws now to protect that 156 million of us Americans who work civil working jobs!

Hope this helped you understand the history to this holiday!

'Til Next Time!